i got this award from mimi. thanks mimi :)
1. Admit one thing you feel awful about (involving being a mom).
bila i can't control my temper & "babab" hardy. pastu aku will rasa menyesal & sedih bila hardy teresak2 nangis & mcm merajuk dgn aku... isk isk..
2. List 7 things you love about your kids, you love doing with your kids, or that your kids love about you.
1) hardy pandai ambik hati. bila dia nampak aku nk naik angin, cepat2 dia dtg & kata/buat "BIG UGGGGGG" (big hug). terus aku cairrrr...
2) hardy dh pandai kemas his toys.
3) i love to golek2 depan tv, atas katil dgn hardy...sambil nyanyi2, gelak2, tickle2...
4) i love everytime hardy give me a kiss. his style.. kiss pipi kiri-kanan, kiss hidung, kiss lips and last dahi dia bertemu dgn dahi aku... so sweetttttt.... :) muka penuh dgn ayaq liuq hardy.... LOL
5) i love bunyi hardy gelak jahat.... bunyi sgt x real but dia suka buat time dia buat benda2 yg naughty...
6) i love the feeling that "I AM IMPORTANT TO MY SON". hardy will kelam-kabut cari aku kalu aku hilang depan mata... bangga nihhh...
7) i love bila dpt compliment fr my son. ie: mama antikkkkk or dap mama acakkk... :)
3. Send this to 5 other moms of the year that deserve a reminder that they too are the best moms that they can be.
~ sham
~ sham
~ niza
~ zana
~ ikka
~ as