
Friday, March 27, 2009

hardy recites doa makan...

hardy willing mama amik video dia baca doa mkn..after promised him that he can eat ice-cream after that.....kecik2 dh nk kena bg rasuah....

ps: pls ignore katil yg semak. hardy baru lepas melompat/stunt/tergolek2 kat situ.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

ta da....

yeay for hardy!!
another achievement…. no more safety gate.
actually dh lama plan nk buka safety gate ni coz dh almost a yr kami x pernah pun lock. & hardy so far alhamdulillah… altho dia agak “buas” naik-turun, naik-turun tangga. x pernah le lagi jatuh tangga (mintak simpang, choi-choi, touch wood).

so aku & hubby decide to buka & simpan that safety gate till hardy dpt adik.
senang nk turun naik bwk brg.

hardy yg excited bila x dak gate. ayat fave dia
“mama, engok!! antik x anggeee??? antikkkkkk”.
dia tanya, dia gak yg jawab. LOL…

last but not least, hardy's 1st drawing. selama ni kalau lepas draw, asyik koyakkan paper je. this time mama dia berjaya selamatkan fr dikoyak. note - word 'hardy' tu mama dia yg tulis. konon nk soh dia tiru, jgn harap la...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

us....last week....

because my parents & eldest sis were here, they must atur baik2 nk tido umah ketiga2 anak kat sini...

monday: umah aku
tuesday: umah my 2nd sis @ kota damansara
wednesday: umah my 3rd sis @ putrajaya

so, on wednesday, lepas balik kerja terus aku, hubby & hardy pi putrajaya. nk jumpa my parents coz flight derang balik kedah esok awai2 pagi.

atas permintaan ramai (wahhhh mcm le ramai kan? kan?) aku sempat le snap a few pics umah my sis.
fyi, umah dia berkembar dgn umah PIL dia.

seperti biasa, budak2 semua excited kat water fountain. now laaagi la derang suka, semua kolam dh ada fish. hardy still behave dgn tidak menerjunkan diri dlm kolam tu.... dia tau mama dia garang..heheheh.

mlm, ori plan nk kuar dinner kat alamanda. tgk2 PIL kak aku ajak dinner ramai2 kat umah derang. shahnun terus ON je, nak2 tgk ada kari ikan atas meja... semua tgh lapaq le katakan. LOL

view fr main road. kiri umah my sis, kanan umah PIL dia.

meja fountain. meja tu my sis kata kensel nk letak cermin.

my 2nd sis, my mama & hardy yg melalak coz x berani nk jln atas batu kat kolam tu.

haimy, hardy & k.ayu.

meja fountain

PIL's main entance

kolam ni pisahkan umah my sis dgn PIL dia.

bilik abg hilman & haimy. tgk haimy dok panjat katil.
hardy & abg ashman kat entrance umah PIL my sis. keliling kolam.

doa selamat/mkn2 @ my 3rd sis's. kami pi mlm coz sejuk skit.. biasala aku kan puteri lilin. LOL + PIL dia ckp (masa kami dinner ramai2 on wed tu) family members & geng2 artist pun will mai mlm. wahhh...aku sudah berangan sapakah artist yg mai nanti... anuar zainkah??? berangan hirda, berangan.

kami kuar umah lepas maghrib coz nk balik awal nk tgk AF & bola. (paham2 je la kan sapa nk tgk AF & sapa nk tgk bola.)

sampai sana, org x ramai lagi, lepak2 kat luar umah kakak aku, then baru pi mkn ramai2. org dh penuh, then aku sempat la tgk a few artist... aku x ingat nama.. yg aku tau aris ariwatan je. oh sorry, aku x minat...
ada la 3-4 musicians tgh main keyboard, etc2. mcm mini concert le gak. & ada le org nyanyi (serius aku x kenal sapa yg nyanyi tu). majority geng2 rtm la.

aku x sempat nk snap pic hardy & cousins2 dia dok berjoget depan musicians tu...cute sgt!! LOL
in fact, aku langsung x kuarkan camera time kami dok mkn...biasa la, aku kan ala2 pemalu skit. ;)

oh cu mimi pun ada, dia ikut kami balik coz umah kak aku x pasang astro lagi..hahaha fanatik AF!!
yg sedeynya... time kami dok tgk AF kat umah, kakak aku dgn eksyennya mengMMS.....pic M.NASIR dok nyanyi!! OMG..kalu aku tau M.NASIR nk mai, aku sanggup dok nganga minum air 17 glass kat situ...
M.NASIR siap nyanyiiiii..benciiii...ayat sms menyakitkan hati fr kakak aku "tu la..sapa suruh hampa balik awai? hahahahha".
ayat penyedap ati aku & adik aku "ala M.nasir je, bukan anuar zain".... LOL

'tuan besar' kat belakang. now suka sgt buat mulut camtu..eiiii...
lupa ckp, kami telah 'mengerjakan' rambut hardy hari sabtu tu. so, this is him in his new look. :)

bosan tunggu kat traffic light le ni.. mesti keta sebelah heran kami dok snap2 pic lagi. LOL

hardy dh terer & x takut jln kat kolam umah maklang. eksyen...

tertonggek2 tgk fish...
on the way back. ni peel anak aku kalu ada cu mimi dia. suka memanjat.

leh relaxxx je baring kat atas tu... grrrr... mana belajar ni??

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tagged - my child closet..

I've been tagged by iza-haikal. :)

1. Take a photo of ur child's wardrobe/closet..inside n outside.

drawer ni kami beli since hardy umo 2 bln.

wardrobe aku time anak dara. sian hardy kena recycle brg mama dia..hehehe

2. Explain in detail, how do you arrange everything....
drawer -

ATAS: aku susun/lipat baju2 harian/basahan hardy
TENGAH: baju2 tido hardy
BWH: napkin, socks, bibs, small towels.

aku gantung semua baju2 jln hardy, fr tgn pendek to panjang. pastu seluar2 panjang.
seluar2 pendek aku lipat letak dlm drawer yg atas tu. drawer yg paling bwh aku "pinjam" sat letak handbags aku..eheh

nampak x comforter, bantal2 hardy time baby aku lipat dlm closet dia... aku x tau nk sumbat mana dh. yg sekoq robot tu sesat coz aku bwk sorok fr hardy. dia dok baling robot tu kat tangga. aku fedup, simpan terus. x yah main!

oh x lupa dehumidifier mesti ada dlm closet... ni wajibbbb....

3. What do you have on top of the wardrobe / closet?
~ kotak colorfull ikea tu aku simpan stock ubat hardy yg x buka lagi, sikat, mcm2 lagi la.
~ wet tissue refill
~ tabungs..(over x? ada 3 tabung anak aku. x penuh pun)
~ bedaksss, lotions.

~ stock tissue yg x buka lagi
~ ridsect spray
~ spray utk iron baju (aku guna bilik ni iron baju..hehhe)
~ spray perfume bilik
~ magic pen yg aku bwk sorok fr hardy... coz bila dia nk menconteng, asyik kena baju, carpet je.
~ roll dust ikea
~ pic aku amik ijazah yg hubby aku x gantung2 lagi..grrrrrr.... :(

4. Where did you keep your baby's old clothes?
dlm container plastik bertutup (alaa yg byk jual kat tesco, giant tu..) kat bilik bwh.

for the 1st time....

......i win something fr a contest....hehehe...

aku join contest yg dianjurkan by wanie and the prize is fully sponsored by Pixelart Photography and Canvas it.

this is the prize yg aku dpt semlm.... sukaaaaaa.... thanks wanie coz susah2 mai hantar sampai ke rumah.

belum gantung lagi, but dh assigned hubby soh gantung kat living hall. :)

what's inside??

ta daaaa....

plastik x buang pun lg....

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

a very very short langkawi trip....

i'm backkkk... but still in holiday mood.
my office email x leh login le pulak.... so x leh le nk buat kerja. mcm paham2 je aku nk update blog...hehehe

ok... this time aku balik kg lama gak... with 3 MAIN tasks....

1) nk pi langkawi nk naik CABLE CAR + shopping ala2 je (budget...budget)!
2) attend wedding hubby's cousin at the same time singgah attend wedding adik ipar sue-maryam.
3) nk bwk hardy pi mini park yg dh bertahun wujud kat jitra tapi kami haram x pernah tau.

pkl 7.30am kami dh bertolak fr bkt kayu hitam. sampai kuala perlis, tgk2 the next ferry pkl 9am. so kami dok melepak dlm jetty tu. jetty tu still x berubah sejak 8 thn lepas.
aku ingat aku je last sampai langkawi thn 2001. hubby last sampai thn 1998 kot... hahaha.. sian kan kami?

b4 apa2 aku dh mkn ubat tahan muntah, hardy pun aku bg. dlm bot ok la..3 beranak terus zzzz...
sampai kat jetty kuah, org teksi tu bagitau...
"cable car TUTUP!! sejak semlm. esok pun tutup". aku dgr rasa nk nangis je.... x pun rasa cam nk pi bom cable car tu....
so, last2 kami naik teksi, pi idaman suri, pi ismail group & balik. naik boat pkl 3pm.
nk snap pic pun malas & x dak mood.
gila kan? penat naik bot x habis... pi sana buat relaxxxx je, mcm leh pi tiap2 weekend je...

aku hampir2..diulang..hampir2 menerbangkan duitku nk beli corningware.... tapi pi mana2 kedai pun design yg aku nk semua dh habis... aku nk design PLUM!! last2 aku x beli... dgn harapan design yg aku nk leh ada kat duty free bkt kayu hitam.

kami just shopping choc & a few benda2 lain.
bila kami nk pi lagi?? lama lagi la nampaknya... lepas luka/kecewa dihati ni lega skit.. tapi b4 pi, aku will make sure call tempat cable car tu dulu. check buka ke x.

hardy tgh lalok coz mkn ubat tahan muntah
dh sampai jeti kuala perlis. note - muka still lalok.
ferry nk pi langkawi punya la tinggi tingkap. terjengket2 hardy nk tgk luar.

dh sampai langkawi..

dgn semangat berkobar2 nk pi naik cable car..

dlm taxi, on the way to idaman suri.

hardy terus buka & mkn m&m's kat situ gak... kedekut x bg sapa2 lak tu.

@ jeti kuah. sementara nk tunggu bot. kami biar hardy bergumbira dlm tempat game ni. x yah letak token, dia dh happy gila dpt tekan2 button tu.

aku yg senyum plastik!! dlm hati dok menyumpah x habis kat cable car tu. time balik dpt boat yg tingkap dia rendah. ok la skit.

babai langkawi....

layan movie apa ntah. ada adegan lawan2. tu yg dua2 suka tu...

over kan? aksi terkejut tgk movie.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Tagged - Birthday Wishlist

i've been tagged by mimi-najeeb. thanks mimi :)
tagged cepat je aku jawab. aku still kat kg. still in holiday mood & malas nk start buat entry...

The rules :

1) Make a list of what u want on your birthday

2) The list should be 10 numbers

3) Post the image of this award to your posting

4) Give it to 10 frens of yours

here are my 10 wishlists:

1) i wish to lose weight... i put on weight bila balik kg. nak kurus balik...entah le bila..

2) i wish the economic crisis will end soon.

3) i wish for a great health.

4) i wish for a great prosperity aka $$$$$.

5) i wish for happy family/life till the end of my life.

6) i wish i can be a GREAT wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend.

7) i wish for a family car.

8) i wish i can fully breastfeed my 2nd baby.

9) i wish for a family holiday to "u-know-where's-my-dream-place-is". ;)


10) i wish i can be a WAHM....

i wanna tag

~ sham
~ niza
~ as
~ wanie

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tagged - my hubby....

I've been tagged by zuera.

Here’s a chance to see how well you really know your husband/boyfriend/lover.
Cut, paste and fill in the answers, then shoot, you know what to do.
The real challenge is to send it to your husband/boyfriend/lover to see how right you really are.

1. He’s sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
news, football, badminton, tennis, anything related to sports...

2. You’re out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?
salad?? he dun eat salad. he's 100% MALAY... tekak melayu.

3. What’s one food he doesn’t like?

4. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order?
teh 'o' ais limau.

5. Where did he go to high school?
Sekolah Menengah Jitra & Vocational S.petani.

6. What size shoes does he wear?

7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be?
t-shirts, khaki bermuda, caps.

8. What is his favorite type of sandwich?
sandwich sardine.

9. What would this person eat every day if he could?
nasi kosong, kari ikan + bendi, ayam goreng + kuah madu. (u can get it fr ali's corner sec 20 SA... )

10. What is his favorite cereal?
again, he's 100% MALAY. he prefers nasi lemak or pulut durian.

11. What would he never wear?
hmmm... woman cloth.

12. What is his favorite sports team?

13. Who did he vote for?
he's opposite of me... ;)

14. Who is his best friend?
me, pak teh & a few friends fr his kilang.

15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn’t do?
membebel, kuat shopping & mkn byk.... LOL

16. What is his heritage?
malay + mamak penang.

17. What is his favourite colour?

18. What is his habit?
will ketap gigi sampai berbunyi2 time tido... sounds scary at 1st. tapi dh lama2, i used to it.

19. What is he proud of?
his life & family.

20. Lastly, do you think he will read this?
Nope. he dun even know the exitence of my blog. but i oso update it in my FP. he'll read it fr there... ;)

i wanna tag
~ mimi-najeeb
~ sham
~ as
~ wanie
~ ikka
~ aza

Monday, March 9, 2009

we/he made it!!

that's the 1st thing i would like to say....

finally, hardy berjaya tido in his room ALONE!

day 1 (friday - 06 march 09)
11pm - hardy dh sleepy while watching alien vs predator. he requested for milk. time tu i talked slowly/nicely to him "hardy sleep dlm bilik hardy k? bestttt katil hardy. cantik!!". he get into his bed, minum susu & zzzzz...

me... try to put myself to sleep. but i can't.... seriously i felt something missing. isk isk.. every 1 hour i keep checking on hardy.

2am - hubby baru nk masuk tido. we chat excitedly pasal hardy yg dh leh tido sendiri. x sampai 5 mins... we heard suara hardy menangis. melompat kami turun katil & berlari to check on hardy. sian.. dia menangis sambil duduk. pelik i guess coz bgn2 tgk dia sorang2 je. when i asked him "why sayang? come, sleep ok?"
he replied "ady chah x mo sip (sleep) cini". alaaa sian le pulak. so aku dukung hardy & letak atas katil kami.

3 hours for the 1st night. ok la tu kan?

day 1 - 11pm
hardy memang suka tido bantal tinggi. kalu x de bantal badan mama or daddy yg jadi bantal dia. LOL

day 1 - 12am
aku letak bantal besar just in case hardy jatuh katil..

day 2 (saturday - 07 march 09)
11.45pm - same like the previous night. tapi this time i can sleep.. tapi every 2 hours aku will terjaga & check on him.

guess what?? @ 9am (sunday) hardy bgn, masuk bilik kami & said to me..."mama, tepi cikit. ady chah nk sip cini"... he dun even cry.... hehehe... & hubby really proud of him...

day 2 - 12am
aku sendalkan bantal peluk & comforter. hardy tido buas.

day 2 - 1am

day 2 - 8am
cuba tgk bantal peluk & comforter terpelanting semua. MUST get the bed rail for hardy lepas balik fr kg!!

day 3 (sunday - 08 march 09)
- same like the previous night.

3am - hubby went to check on hardy. dia nampak hardy dok baring sambil mata terkebil2. bila hubby tanya "apsal hardy? sleep ok?". hardy replied "hmmm... x mo la." so hubby kesian & dukung dia masuk tido dgn kami....
day 3 - 10.30pm

day 3 - 1am

there goes my 3 days straight nk train hardy tido in his room.
so far for me, it's a major achievement.......insyaAllah we will keep training him slowly....

ps: we'll going back to our hometown fr 10th - 16th march 09. long break kan? hehehe. till then, tata..... :)

Friday, March 6, 2009


our 2009 resolution is to make sure hardy is pacifier-free b4 he turns 3.
bcoz of that i hv to be strong not to buy him new pacifier altho hati dok tergedik2 tgk the new design of Nuk-pacifiers when i went to MC last weekend. sabarrr..sabarrr...

hubby keeps reminding me, "no matter what, NO new puting for hardy"....

so here are the conditions of his putings....

must have 2. 1 for hisap, 1 for tonyoh2 pipi, hidung, etc.

this one still boleh diconsider OK compare to..........

THIS!!! 1/4 gone!!

but... hardy x kisah. now dia x complaint pun. isap je apa yg ada...

lately hardy dh x bgn mlm minum susu...
so, i plan nk try bg hardy tido dlm bilik dia...
starting TONIGHT!!.. just wait & see k? ;)

this pic taken last few days. suddenly, nk minum susu atas katil bilik dia... pastu asked me to switched off the light & said "gnite mama". then, aku keluar, closed the door. x sampai 5 min i can hear bunyi pintu bilik dia buka.... he came to me, pass his bottle & said "mama, nah!! innishhhhh (finish)". cheh... yg mama ni dh excited la kononnya anak dia dh nk tido sorang2..... berangan hirda, berangan...