
Sunday, November 15, 2009

something cute...

still remember this line "when im sad, i'll shop" from the Confession of a Shophaholic?
Yes, i oso like that. so, this is my latest 'catch' when i'm in a sad/stress mood recently. something that can cheer me up.

i hv a volunteer model to pose for me. excuse his reaction k? recently he really give me a hard time when snapping his pics.

back side. OMG hardy... tgk le depan!!

close up skit. LOL. dia punya label kecik je.

and... i found these 4 kittens kat my wash area. siann... mak dia bwk letak sini.

last2 my hubby amik je apa available box yg ada. teka box apa??? my C&K shoes box. adoila...

the next day, aku amik box fr opis. so one happy family can fit in that box.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

sila jgn gelak... (hahahahah)

yup.. that's me!! the one who berdiri paling kiri. this is my yearly class pic. time ni masa standard 5 Mawar Merah. Sekolah Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin, Jitra.
Sila jgn cr mana shahnun coz dia tidak tergolong dlm golongan ini. dia sekolah rendah, sekolah lain. sekolah menengah baru sama. (tu pun kelas lain)

bila tgk pic ni baru perasan cam muka ady shah laaaa.... LOL

last but not least i love FB... jumpa balik kengkawan lama... ;)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

im still alive...

hehehe tajuk x ingat punya...
kepada sesiapa yg dok tertunggu2 blog update fr cik puan hirda... sila le tunggu k?
aku tersgt le malas nk update blog now... ditambah pulak dgn internet opis yg dh tahap slow kura2 & streamyx umah yg bila pasang wifi terus slow; so aku decide to active dlm FB pulak.
uihhh dh cam addicted ngan fb le pulak now. bukan active mana pun, setakat update status je pun. LOL...

so to lieya, cik puan mimi & sham... aku dh update nihhh..sila bc & bg komen!!! ..... LOL
weekend ni dgn semangat waja ku update citer2 lain k? bwh ni pic2 activities lepas raya.
nowadays aku pun malas nk snap pic. apa hal ni??? so not cik puan hirda. kesimpulannya segala benda aku malas la... isk isk....

hardy's 3rd bash. a very small celebration.

the next day, echa's 3rd bash. sila tgk mak2 yg kaki pose.

a week after that, F&E bday bash.

aku paling suka pic ni. mija, najeeb & hardy. hardy muka dh mcm pirate aku tgk. dh le pakai benda alah tu lg. sebijikkk...

till then.. tata