
Wednesday, April 28, 2010


it's 9.30pm... but im still at the office.
my life is miserable now....

for the past 2 weeks, i reached office @ 6am and left around 9pm. *pengsan.

God, please help me to go thru this...

but am glad last weekend was like a stress release for me...
going out with my lovely ladies friends & cheerful son after he received the gift from me...

till then... tata...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

his 1st 3D movie..

date: 18 april 10
time: 10.30am-1.30pm
venue: gsc, midvalley

still remember in my last entry here ? hardy menang toy story contest yg aku hantaq tu. 2 tickets to watch toy story 1&2 back to back preview. hardy sgt peminat fanatik toy story.

around 9.45am kami dh sampai. x nampak pun org toy story magazine. around 10.15am baru derang sampai. time management fail wei. movie pkl 10.30am. 10.15am baru sampai. camna tu.

so kami org 1st yg queue. so sapa sampai dulu, dpt seat paling belakang. bagus!

seperti biasa, rasanya semua org dh tgk toy story 1&2 kan? tapi the experience to watch it in 3D sgt menarik.
and to become among the 1st people yg dpt tgk dulu before the official launch on 22nd april adalah sgt sgt sgt excited!! :)

hardy awai2 dh reject x mo pakai spek 3D tu. haru sungguh! last2 daddy dia yg pakai.
sib baik free hardy. cuba mama hg bayaq rm18 for 1 tiket, sure kena sekeh sekali.

to sapa2 yg plan nk bwk your kids to watch toy story 3D, but ur kids x mo pakai that 3D glasses (mcm hardy); dont worry. coz movie tu still clear and terang altho x pakai spec tu. cuma x nampak le effect 3D dia.

the ticket. time pun salah. AM le wei.
happy boy. time ni letih aku dok melayan, x habis2 tanya "bila kita nk tgk buzz lightyear ni mama??". sabar mama..sabar.. anak baru sorang. kalu anak ramai dh lama kena tinggal kat umah budak ni.

ni dia x perasan ada giant poster belakang tu.

then baru dia perasan... hehehe

lepas tu dia nampak ni "mama, ady shah nk tgk citer shrek pulak nanti".
baju ni adalah wajib dipakai bila dia tau dia nk pi tgk buzz.
note to diri sendiri: sila le beli baju buzz lightyear byk2 nanti. sedeh aih tgk hardy dok ulang baju tu je.

mak & anak kagum tgk giant poster...
mak pandai pakai baju itam & pose duduk so that dpt cover ketembamam yg makin ketara now. LOL

yeahh.. itu dia org 1st yg queue nk collect ticket..

queue lepas kami..

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

toy story fever....

found this magazine @ bookstore, tesco. 1st issue for april and total it has 12 issues. hardy sgt excited bila nampak this magazine. actually it's good for kids coz byl activity dlm magazine ni.... last2 mak dia yg buat semua tu..LOL.

dlm magazine ni pun ada mini contest & prize dia 2 tickets for 'toy story 1 &2 3D" preview @ midvalley on 18th april.
so, mak pun telah meng'submit' contest. hope dpt le. save rm36. ;)

price: rm8.90

sgt khusyuk altho x paham sepatah pun. LOL

belek je la pic tu hardy, pastu reka dialog sendiri....

owh..dh penat bersandar, kita meniarap pulak...

dpt free mini poster & one giant poster. giant poster kena collect issue 2-4 to complete chars pics. baru leh jadi complete poster.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

pro & con....

this just happened last week.

hardy dh terer mengontrol remote astro and suka hati dia nk buka channel apa.
what i noticed, it started when hubby taught him to change to 'berita' channel (tv3). so, he keeps remember "1". "0" and "3".

Then, after that I taught him how to change to my fav channel "711" and "712".. mak selfish!! LOL
Slowly, Disney channel pulak "615". that's it. tu je channel yg dibenarkan dlm umah. (coz mama dia tgk channel tu je. ;) )

The next day, hardy dh start bossy. semua kena ikut citarasa dia. & yg mengsurprisekan kami, dia dh terer tukar channel "611". arghhh... x suka!

now, tiap2 hari leh dgr suara mak & anak terjerit2 berebut remote. lepas sorang tukar, sorang tukar balik.
pastu si daddy tu pulak dok jadi batu api menghasut anak buka "611". saja je nk bg aku sakit hari....

so pro:
kami dh ada 'remote bergerak', bg je arahan dia akan menurut perintah (tu kalu dia in a good mood la)

hari2 bergaduh berebut nk tgk tv. nk beli 2nd decoder, sgt x berbaloi. so redhoo je la <---- sgt mak berciri2 'nur kasih' kan?? LOL

Sunday, April 4, 2010


after a few months bz mengsurvey non-stop.

finally, we make up our mind to puchase our family vacay for this year.....

i guess some of u out there already know...

we are going to hong kong in nov bebeh!!
not only 3 of us, my sisters will be joining as well. but my parents decided not to go coz katanya derang dh pi dh dulu. x pe.. next yr kita plan pi spore pulak k? ;) bg can anakanda2 berjalan.

yes, u can call me a jakun. but to sampai disneyland is my ultimate dream sejak dulu + all my family members semua dh sampai disneyland. x kira la whether HK, euro or US punya disneyland. the main point is semua dah sampai except me.. owhhhh cannot.. am sooo jealous...

paling penting, we get the cheapest AA ticket + 4 nights stay @ disney hollywood hotel. wooo hooo!!
eh btw.. shahnun pun ikut... i dunno why suddenly dia nk ikut pulak. am glad dia dicide nk ikut. atleast aku x la jaga hardy sorang2.

so now,
dok umah diam2, duit dh byk habis. simpan duit nk belanja kat sana pulak.

my 1st holiday would be this june. and it just around the corner... *wink

Friday, April 2, 2010

I'm still alive.... :)


Dengan ini saya mengistiharkan saya akan cuba mengrajinkan diri mengupdate blog saya kembali. reason?? saja. aura rajin melanda balik. adakah sebab perubahan hormon? jeng jeng jeng... saya tidak pregnant ye puan2.... cuma sejak aku amik EPO ni, aku dh rs cam mood swing aku dh dh stable now.

wahhh ayat.. padahal baru je amik x sampai 1 week pun.

memula budak opis ni yg dok promote soh try mkn coz it's good for woman. so knowing me, yg very the kedekut part2 nk membeli supplement ni; better aku habiskan duit mkn or shopping. perut kenyang, hati puas.

sian budak opis aku dok bercerita all the benefits of EPO.. aku dgr masuk telinga kiri, kuar telinga kanan.

sampai la last tuesday. sekali bgn pagi aku sakit satu badan. x leh gerak. gerak pun mcm robocop.
pi jumpa doc, doc pun advice soh amik EPO.

so, dgn paksa rela aku pi la guardian....
& aku telah membeli

punya la tamak kan, bukannya reti nk beli botol kecik2 time starting. aku bantai beli 2 big bottles + free small bottle (180 + 180 + 60 biji). amik ko, stock for setahun.
dh promo katanya. coz normal price 1 botol besar (180 biji) is rm120.

yg promo ni dia buat 2 big bottle + 1 free small bottle rm109 je. so salahkan aku menjadi pompuan yg tamak seketika?? x salah kan?? tu maknanya aku pengguna yg berhemah...

from apa yg aku bc fr internet, EPO is good for

1) period/pms - mengurangkan rasa tidak selesa dan bengkak pd abdomen, payudara dan juga meredakan rs kemurungan dan iritasi.
2) Jerawat & masalah kulit - eczema, kuku, rambut.
3) kolesterol & tekanan darah
4) rheumatoid arthritis (kegagalan sistem iminisasi)
5) ketagihah rokok & arak
6) sistem imunisasi
7) lain2 - obesiti, tahap awal kanser payudara, etc

adakah lepas ini cik puan hirda akan bertambah cun?? hahahah.. sila jgn berangan hirda. dh pi buat kerja!!!