
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

KLCC + Pavilion

Salam Maulidul Rasul all,
how's your long weekend? mine would be so tiring with groceries shopping & cleaning up bilik bwh yg dh bertahun menjadi so called 2nd bilik store kami and transform it jadi bilik maid.
at the same time train our new bibik. yes u hear me right ladies. Finally, alhamdulillah i got a maid to help me with the house chores. I hope & pray she will jaga hazry & hardy dgn elok & loves the kids. yg lain tu aku x kisah sgt. (yer laaa tu.... ok. kisah especially part iron baju. lol)

ok, cerita weekend kami starts on Saturday. actually jumaat mlm aku dpt sms from astrofirst, kata aku menang contest Disney Junior Street Smart @Petrosains. aku kan very the rajin masuk contest2 astrofirst ni. So i won 4 passes for Disney Junior Street Smart launch rsnya @Petrosains on 4th Feb 2012.

btw, time ni kak aku tinggalkan maid dia kat umah aku coz dia pi holiday Penang. so aku sgt le suka, atleast maid tu buleh jaga hazry while kami bz dgn activities there.

ok, cerita with pictures.


bibik & hardy. i tell u... bibik kak aku very the glam ok! satgi ada org ingat aku pulak yg bibiknya. oh tidakkkkk...

as usual, mesti register & collect goodie bag.

budak dobot x mo tido. tapi as long as duduk diam2, takpe.

isi survey form dulu. part2 nk komen serahlan pada yg pakar yer.

activity for that day.

happy me with the goodie bag.

ride ni best. ajar camna nk bwk motor dgn berhemah kat jln. tapi a bit annoying. semedang je kena tekan hon.

ni pulak ajar camna bwk keta dgn berhemah. hardy bwk keta feeling2 kat USA. bwk belah kanan jalan, boleh???

apakah motif ko pose camni abang???

ni nk tunjuk how bad if x pakai helmet.

aku pun nk tryyyy... ni test accident for 10km/j. sakit gak dada coz terhentak.

budak dobot baikkkk coz bibik dukung. excited dok tgk benda gantung2 & lampu2.

muka mcm paham je adik.

coloring timeeee...

ok, color cepat abang!!

oklah kan hardy color. not bad for 6 yrs old kid.

brg2 dlm goodie bag. thanks astro. so far goodie bag fr disney junior memang best.

then, drop bibik kat bus stop coz dia nk balik segambut. so we headed to opis aku @wisma UOA. why??? coz nk merasa naik flyover fr opis aku terus sambung Pavilion. baru siap last week. best oooo... lengang je.

aisey apsal pic blur ni??

paling penting... berAIRCOND okeh..AIRCOND!! sgt heaven.

ada 2 tujuan why aku ajak pi Pavilion. 1) nk ajak shahnun rs teppanyaki kat food court dia.

both are teppanyaki virgin. hahaha

nk mamam adik???

hardy mkn nasi kosong je cukup.

si tukang masak & hazry sgt alert camera. hehehe

Slice beef. my all time fave. aku kan minah daging. sgt x suka ayam. yg ni shahnun punya. aku punya x dak taugeh. ganti dgn sawi tu. oh sedapnyaaa.. kompem jumaat ni aku pi mkn lagi.

nampak tgn yg dh terer pakai chopstick itu?? hahahah

lepas kenyang. terus kami keluar fr Pavilion. yesss.. ni tujuan ke 2) nk snap pic dgn buddy bears.

comei gila. yg ni Ireland bear.

Eqypt bear. ada anak manis le skit nk pose kat bear ni kan? kalau x, hari2 pi lunch kat pavilion, dok tgk je org ramai dok pose. nk pi snap pic ala2 segan coz dgn berID kat leher. bwk anak cover line aa skit. heheheh

France bear.

penuh bear ni sepanjang jalan, yer la coz dia represent all countries.

Malaysia bear!!

hardy dh malas nk pose. grrrrr


to sapa2 yg teringin nk pi pose & tgk bear2 ni depan mata, pi la Pavilion. dia will ada sampai 15 Feb 2012 ni je.


ermayantizakaria said...

wow.. menarik.. hai, sy erma. jemput lawat blog sy @

onniesham said...

fuhh penuh xtvt ko sabtu tu yeh. jeles tau ko dpt tix astro tu. ni yg buat aku nk subscribe disney ni..hahaha.

wahhh kenmain bibik..but dun wori.. wpon brgaya org tetap kenal mana satu bibik ... kuakakaka

wahh menarik la bear2 itu. ada smpai 15hb je ke?? alahaiii cemana la nk ajak laki aku pi situ...