
Friday, April 19, 2013

BIG April babies...

Happy FRIDAY ladies,
ni activity kat opis aku semlm. it's a BIG T's day or sapa2 yg takde BIG T, kena pakai baju kaler merah.
Ingat masa kat opis je ada bday celebration ni. kat sini pun ada!! bagus2. Mak kan sgt suka celebration2 camni. :)

 Cute kan banner dia?

choc moist cake!
oh tergugat iman ku.

ada around 10 staffs yg celebrate bday in April.
Nama aku penuh okeh!!
very the skema.

these are the attire yg bday babies kena pakai.
Hula skirt tu yg takleh tahan tu.

 Pantas je aku & lelek grab benda alah bling2 tu and pakai.

 Lelek is in diff department dgn aku. Bony is my department colleague.
That's our CEO and COO lighting up the candles.

 ada penalty for those yg tak pakai BIG T or red color that day.

some of April babies.
pose kat pantry je korang.

there goes my diet!!
my 1st slice of cake in 3 weeks.
sib baik sedap. so bila mkn tu mcm tak bersalah je.

these are not april babies.
tapi derang yg paling sibuk menerai hula skirt tu.

basically it was a fun & sweet celebration and we; April babies got a pair of GSC tix as bday present. Oklah kan? Let's Iron Man 3!!


ellynadyra said...

oh whyyyyyyyyyyy kat opis aku tak de cam gak kan ada cam ni.....seronok sambut ramai2

onniesham said...

eiiiii jeles giler ok. happening jer ofis ko nih. ada keje kosong dak???? kekeke