
Saturday, November 27, 2010

hong kong - day 2 (part 1)

date: 20 Nov 2010
time: 8am - 10pm

day 2, itinerary kami nk pi Ocean park.
FYI, Ocean park operation hour is from 10am-6pm.
Ocean Park is the famous HK theme park (before ada Disneyland). dia ala2 mcm aquaria + genting.

wakey-wakey hardy....

view from our room. tu tempat tunggu shuttle bus.

celik je mata, terus buka disney cartoon. heaven la budak2 dok sini, channel disney je semua.

my 3rd sis sampai 10pm semlm. bilik dia opposite bilik kami. ni kat bilik dia. kids bfast roti je.

sempat pi garden dia jap. suka aku pokok ni, this pokok is meant for xmas. & bau dia wangiiii...

that's rombongan cik kiah to ocean park. waiting for shuttle bus.

port wajib nk pose tiap2 hari.

Disneyland MTR station
kita duduk kat tinkerbell pulak.

to go to Ocean Park, kami turun kat MTR Admiralty station. from there, ada bus no 629 to Ocean Park. it's a double decker bus. kat situ gak ada counter ticket. so beli je la siap2.

queue nk naik bus. hardy dh zzzz...

dlm bas pun dia sambung tidoooo.... kaki tidoq sungguh la anak oi...

that bus will stop kat Ocean Park Tai Shue Wan Entrance (please note that at Ocean Park ada 2 entrance. Main entrance & Tai Shue Wan Entrance)

@ Ocean Park, Tai Shue Wan Entrance

here, i think ada about 4 tallest escalator. tinggiiiii

view fr top.

escalator lagi...

kat sini a bit letih berjalan coz jln dia berbukit2, tapi angin dia sejuk. this is my 3rd sis with all the boys. 6 cucu2 cik brahin & cik ani.

jellyfish ni besarrr.. 2x ganda kepala aku. ni dlm seajelly aquarium.

this another jelly fish. actually dia transparent, so letak lampu merah, jadi merah le dia.

& ni bila letak lampu biru.

we r lucky coz keluar je fr seajelly aquarium nampak mascot shark ni. (aku x tau nama dia. ha ha ha). all boys!!

us! (map x lepas kat tgn ok!!)

kami masuk show dolphin & seal.

tepi laut tuu...

serius cerdik dolphin ni...

rupanya hardy x minat tgk show dolphin ni, dia dok concentrate mkn oreo. hehehe

then, kami gerak pi area ni, dh mcm fun fair pun ada. oh dlm ni ada mcd, tapi malas nk queue coz ramainya manusia...

me, my lil sis & anak2 sedara yg besar skit tgh queue nk main spinner. ala, yg mcm kat genting tu.

x laju sgt pun. genting lg laju.

nanti2 aku sambung part 2 k? byk sgt pic nk letak + aku nk siap pi annual dinner. ;)

travel/budget info:

Ocean Park ticket : Adult - HKD250; kids - HKD125
Bus from Admiralty station to Ocean Park (u can use octopus card to pay): Adult - HKD10.90 (one way); kids - HKD5.30 (one way)


Mimi said...

aku ingat masa sekolah rendah dulu kawan2 cina aku ceta pasal OP ni..masa late 1980's kan...tmpt ni fames habih la pun aku rasa dia still bertahan kan...nampak mcm best jugak OP ni...sbb ada mcm2...dolphin show, aquarium etc...

kalo najeeb dpt oreo pun mcm hardy la gak...heheh...

mascot dia byk tak kt sana? aku selalu tgk org amik pix dgn yg lg satu tu....seal pakai topi tu...

Sham Ummi Echa said...

leh tahan gak tix masuk OP ni eh.

spinner genting lg laju?? ye ke?? wahh kalo cam2 konpem mak berani naik sbb kt genting pon aku berani naik gak