tapi betul!! msa dok try dgn sham hari tu, sorang2 kami mcm... "cantiknyaaa.. wahhh... wooooo..." jakuns sgt!!
sabar jelah budak Harvey Norman melayan kelaku kami 3 org.
Aku amik kaler WHITE coz RED x masuk mesia lg. why oh whyyyyy??? i want reddddd.
white pun asyik habis stock je. masa aku pi tu ada seketul ni je.
dapat free camera bag + 16Gb memory card + tripod + lumix camera kit + screen protector + 20 keping 4R pix.
plan nk beli camera ni dh lama. sejak dok perasan pix2 fr camera canon lama yg di beli 3 thn sudah tu dh x cun. kelammm je. if outdoor oklah. If indoor... kena guna flash. So, if guna flash, nampak sgt muka berkilat2.
So, oklah... demi nak pix cantik time holiday, investlah sikit kan?
aku baru je beli x sampai seminggu, but i will share what my GF6 can do.
paling penting, dia ada WIFI that can connect to your phone. leh transfer pix fr camera to phone. and can transfer to social media gak. But part transfer to social media aku tak pass2 lagi.
ni rupa dia fr tepi.
Aku beli with 1 lense je.
Nanti2 dah agak2 terer. (and opkos if terlebih duit) bolehlah beli lense lain pulak.
Rear. That screen protector pun FOC. tapi takde yg size screen dia.
So, dapat kecik skit. Sib baik la FOC, so mak redha je la.
view from top.
nampak dial2 tu? aku baru try function SCN (scene) tu je.
pastu agak2 malas. tekan je button IA tu.
dah x yah pikir byk. camera tu je yg decide apa jenis pix korang will snap nanti.
dalam scene tu ada lebih 22 selection.
But... aku paling suka guna function 'Clear Portrait"
ni penting gakkkk...
nak snap pix food upload kat FB kononnya kan?
ada "Appetizing food" and "Cute Dessert"
Screen dia buleh tilt. nanti kot2 nk amik pix tinggi level dobot kan?
tak payah aku tunduk2 sama. aku angkat je screen tu 90 deg.
if flip 180 deg, terus buleh self portrait.
sesuai sgt for aku, sah2 nanti aku je tukang pegang camera.
below are some sample of pixs yg aku amik using my Lumix GF6.
with no editing ya.
muka serius isi details dlm waranty card.
Pix captured by sham guna IA function.
dapat je camera, terus try selfportrait. LOL
nilah muka2 my partner in crime. Ajak je teman sentiasa ON!!
Ai lap u la my dear friends...
*note - im not wearing any make-up. muka plain habis. thanks to Ephyra. muka x make-up pun still OKlahhh.. if not before this, if tak makeup. muka mcm apaaaa je.
kat umah, nilah model aku.
im using "Clear Picture" Scene.
*note: umah aku ada 1 je lampu putih tgh umah tu.
So to get this clear pix. Sgt2 bagus!!
daging masak merah yg disnap using scene "cute dessert".
dessertlah sgt kan?? hahaha
saja je nak try.
*note: aku tak ON pun lampu kat meja makan time ni. But the pix is super clear kan?
buttered prawn.
im using scene "appetizing food".
nampak sgtlah tempting kan?
using scene "Glittering"
my fave pix using "Clear Portrait" scene.
nampak sgt cheeky kan??
Ok, tu je aku leh update so far... actually ada byk lagi function, tapi mak busy tak sempat nk menggodek. Try yg mana perlu je dulu.
clear portrait lawaaa...glittering tu pun cute..cunn, utk pakai gi holiday..
haah aku pun suka gambar clear potrait tu.. cun giler gambar hazry.. cahaya pun cukup.. gambar belakang tu pun blur2.. cantik
Hi there,
I'm planning to buy one. May I know how much n where you bought it?
Thank you =)
auwwww cantiknya pics... x sesia beli kannn. nnti rajin2 lah bwk camera yer.. leh kita bercamwhoring
Hi Alice..
From Harvey Norman. They are having a sale. RM1799 for single lense. RM2599 for twin lenses. U can try to look fr lazada as well. Cheaper. But no free gifts la.
If it is not urgent... I will wait for red color for sure. Ngeeee.... :)
Oic. Which Harvey Norman outlet u went?
I went Sunway Pyramid outlet, they said they do not sell twin lens package.
Hi Alice....
Try to look at HN paradigm mall. Before u go.... Call them and check whether they have stock 1st. U can find the outlet numbers from HN website.
Alright, thanks a lot.
Enjoy playing with your new toy =)
cun cun cun..
aku rasa before raya hari tu aku ada servey2 gark...ha ha ha.. x larat weii nak mengangkut si gedabak tu dah..tu yg cari kecik2 comel2...
price boleh tahan gark nie kan...
tp pic meletup dah mcm guna dslr ler..
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh not bad!
eh yang glitter tu cun la wei
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