to sapa2 yg muak tgk entry pasai toy story, mintak mahap byk2 k?
coz kena le bertahan sebab now tgh musim gila toy story. hehehehe
ok, as i mentioned in my last entry kan; i won 2 tix fr astrolife/disney channel.
tapi show dia on wednesday. saja je kan nk soh aku habiskan cuti.
sib baik le boss aku ok. shahnun pulak mc coz sakit badan coz berurut kat danok masa kami balik kg last week (eh alasan!!).
apa2 pun, semua aku will explain together with the pics.
coz kena le bertahan sebab now tgh musim gila toy story. hehehehe
ok, as i mentioned in my last entry kan; i won 2 tix fr astrolife/disney channel.
tapi show dia on wednesday. saja je kan nk soh aku habiskan cuti.
sib baik le boss aku ok. shahnun pulak mc coz sakit badan coz berurut kat danok masa kami balik kg last week (eh alasan!!).
apa2 pun, semua aku will explain together with the pics.
right after that, before nk masuk movie, we need to deposit our hp and camera. derang memang strict. siap ada detector ni kot2 kami curi2 bwk masuk camera or hp dlm wayang.
so that's why x de pic kami pakai 3D glasses.
lupa ckp... each of us also got free pop corn & drinks. wahhh sgt heaven! kiranya segalanya FOC.
for me TS 3 best. funny; especially bila time buzz ckp spanish.
tapi bila nak ending tu, aku gila menangis, meleleh2 ni air mata. touching gila. memang x leh tahan...
apa2 pun... aku sgt berpuas hati, astrolife punya service sgt bagus, semua on time. thumb up la!! *clap *clap *clap
to my friends, make sure u dun miss to watch TS 3 this 17th June 10 k?
wallawei poms...syok beb. sumer FOC...nie yg best join nuffnang punya event kan....
aku giler suka ngan goddies beg dia tu....
aku ingat goody bag dia ialah bag kertas, tp cantik rupanya.. sangat jeles ok..
tahap paling jeles, dapat gambar dengan buzz dan woody. heheheh.
bes ar poms.. mmg untung betul ko dpt pegi.. siap dpt goodies bag yg cun itu.. kellasss ko goodies bag dia.. tp syg pic korang tu x ready.. opss ko sorang je yg ready.. hahaha hardy teruja jmpa buzz tu..ko mahap kan la dia tgk TS3 seblm orang lain...
trailer dia aku dok ulang2 tgk pun syokkk..x sabaq nih..
I'll definitely gi tgk TS3 di panggung wayang...hehe..(tunggu pirated DVD berzaman la baru clear)
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