date: 31st may 09
venue: s.pyramid
what a co-incident kan? hubby & niza punya bday both hari ni. :)
hepi..hepi & hepiiii bday Yang & niza!! Hope u had a wonderful time.
seperti biasa, activity kami tgk movie "Monsters vs Aliens" & makan.
niza 1st time bwk kanda & aqis tgk movie, Alhamdulillah, aqis tido je. kanda pun dok diam tgk movie. tapi nk dekat habis movie, baru semua buat perangai. hardy pun..dh start berdiri, turun kerusi bagai.
cute citer dia.... hehehe.
oklah layan the piccas...
apa2 bfast dulu... bday boy (boy ke??) with his son.
balik hardy terus zzz dlm kereta. lega aku.
tapi ptg dia bgn demand nk porridge. malas aku nk masak, aku pi drive thru mcd dekat umah je. tgk2 happy meal dia free toy monsters vs aliens. selamatttt.... maknanya.... akan ada collection monsters vs aliens pulak pas ni kat umah.