date: 31st Jan 09
time: 10.30am - 1.30pm
time: 10.30am - 1.30pm
venue: sunway pyramid
it was fun!! actually the original plan, we planned to watch movie. tapi last minute aku & sue kena attend kenduri le pulak lepas tu...grrrrr....sungguh merosakkan plan. so, we decided to ronda2, lepak2, chit-chatting & makan2...
niza x leh join coz ada discussion. patutnya she will join us around 1pm. tapi dh aku & sue x leh tunggu, terpaksa la niza cancel nk join..sorry niza :(. next time k??
sab, suspected denggi. hope u get well soon, dear.
mimi, lieya & iza pulak not in KL this weekend. mimi-najeeb, wanna spend time with her family....
apa2 pun, next time k? :)
so, end up..just 5 of us. me, sue, sham, as & ikka. altho 5, punya le meriah bersembang rasa cam ada 10 org. LOL...
I really had a great time... :) we should do this often ladies... but next time, i'll make sure we can catch a movie k? ;) x pun FISH spa... hmmm wahhhh dh plan dh dlm kepala otak ini.... heheheh
it was fun!! actually the original plan, we planned to watch movie. tapi last minute aku & sue kena attend kenduri le pulak lepas tu...grrrrr....sungguh merosakkan plan. so, we decided to ronda2, lepak2, chit-chatting & makan2...
niza x leh join coz ada discussion. patutnya she will join us around 1pm. tapi dh aku & sue x leh tunggu, terpaksa la niza cancel nk join..sorry niza :(. next time k??
sab, suspected denggi. hope u get well soon, dear.
mimi, lieya & iza pulak not in KL this weekend. mimi-najeeb, wanna spend time with her family....
apa2 pun, next time k? :)
so, end up..just 5 of us. me, sue, sham, as & ikka. altho 5, punya le meriah bersembang rasa cam ada 10 org. LOL...
I really had a great time... :) we should do this often ladies... but next time, i'll make sure we can catch a movie k? ;) x pun FISH spa... hmmm wahhhh dh plan dh dlm kepala otak ini.... heheheh
time ni org x ramai lagi...tu yg leh selamba berpose..hehehe..kalu x segan le gak.
ikka & sue